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Winds in Croatia

Winds in Croatia

Published: 22. July, 2022

Winds in Croatia

Before sailing out to a Croatian island in summer 2022, you should learn what kind of winds are expecting you.

Before you read anything below, please have in mind that you need to check the weather forecast every couple of hours while you are sailing along the Adriatic coast-it is crucial.

It might seem silly, but people from Dalmatia believe that wind can affect mood, health, food production (pršut and cheese)...Especially bura and jugo, those affect the most.

1.  Bura

Bura is a strong, dry and cold wind. Bura is turbulent and blows from the land along the Adriatic sea. The bura is most common during the winter, but it can also blow during the summer.  

2. Jugo

Jugo is a moist wind, that comes with dark clouds and rainy storms. It blows from the southeast, from the islands onto the shore. Dalmatians (people from Croatia) are sun-loving people and are not fond of jugo. Jugo usually couses depression, headaches and grumpiness. If the sky is dark and you are feeling under the weather, just say "to ti je jugo", that just means "it is jugos fault". 

3. Maestral

Maestral is loved by the sailors as it is a perfect wind for sailing along the Croatian coast. It is a summer wind (18-30km/h) as it is followed by sunny and nice weather.

4. Tramontana

Tramontana is a cold and dry wind that comes from the mountains, from the land. It is similar to bura, but it doesn't changes directions and it doesn't have the speed and strenght of a bura wind.

One more time we would like for you to have in mind that you need to check the weather forecast every couple of hours while you are sailing along the Adriatic coast-it is crucial.

Your Marina from Noa Yachting team

Headquarters &
Central Booking

Kralja Zvonimira 56
21210 Solin, Croatia
Mobile: +385 95 324 324 2, +385 99 4256 300
E-mail: info@noa-yachting.com

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