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Benefits of spring sailing in Croatia

Benefits of spring sailing in Croatia

Published: 9. March, 2023

Ahoy sailors! As a professional sailor, you know that the Mediterranean can get crowded during high season. Did you know that sailing during the preseason, particularly in April and May, has its benefits? We recommend sailing in April only for experienced sailors due to the unpredictable weather conditions, which require more advanced skills.

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One of the biggest advantages is that you can experience the authentic sailing in the Mediterranean without the hustle and bustle of peak season. Marinas are less congested, ensuring free mooring space for your yacht. Additionally, due to a lower number of tourists and rush, restaurants offer better quality food and have fewer customers.

Plus, you can often find lower prices on flights, accommodation, and other expenses during this time, making it an even more affordable option for your Mediterranean adventure.

From April until 06.05, we offer a 30% discount on our entire fleet, and from 06.05 until 03.06, we offer a 25% discount. Book your yacht now and experience the beauty of sailing in Croatia like never before!

Sailing during the preseason also means milder temperatures, which are ideal for outdoor activities like hiking and island exploring. The weather is generally pleasant, with warm days and cool nights that make for comfortable sleeping conditions. 

Preseason sailing also allows you to witness the stunning flora and fauna of the Mediterranean in a more peaceful setting. The landscapes are lush and green, and the waters are crystal clear. You'll also have a better chance of spotting wildlife, such as dolphins and sea turtles, as there are fewer boats in the water.

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Headquarters &
Central Booking

Kralja Zvonimira 56
21210 Solin, Croatia
Mobile: +385 95 324 324 2, +385 99 4256 300
E-mail: info@noa-yachting.com

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